Friday, 18 February 2011

Week full with Great Memories

Last Sunday, KMPH students came to KMS for an academic programmed that is some kind of exchage students programme. It was so fun although we only knew them for a week. We even had a buddy system.. But I felt sorry for my buddy coz i didn't spend much time with her. I was so busy coz I was one of the members to make this programme works smoothly.

On last Tuesday, We went to Jugra hill and some other interesting places. I think that was the best trip with them ever. We ate together, took pictures together and laugh together.. I miss all of them already.. This evening the left to KMPH. What a memorable memories we had with them.

I had some misunderstood with the YDP.. I don't know why he made this one assumption.. Yes, it's true that I made faces every time I saw him. Aiya.. Before he went back just now, he apologize to me and I noded and said that he was just perasan je.. Hahah.. And I apologize to him too for making him feel guilty la kononnya according to what he told me lah kan.. There are few things I like about him.. Not like like that kind of 'like'. I like when he wear a kopiah on his head, yeah he's cute, I admit it and most of the girls in his lecture like him. And he has the knowledge, you know, religion knowlegde, very wide compared to me. I hope in future I can get a husband who has that, insyaAllah, Aminn.. So that he can guide me to the right path. ^^

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