Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Arggghhh~~~ !!! *breathe* *breathe*

OMG~ OMG~ OMG~ !!!
Really can take my eyes off you !!
I'm dazing~~
*fangirling* =D
Arrggghhhhh~~~!!! *breathe* *breathe*

Jay !
Why you did that !?
You make me dazed~
You're so cute when you smile like that...
It makes me melted when I see your smile... +_+

Tgk, excited sgt sampai English pun dah mcm ape ish...
Ape ni Jay~?
This vid is really DAEBAK !!
I'm sure most of the girls faint when they saw this vid..

When you sing that song, it was as if you sing to me~~~
Even seobseob donsaeng felt the same way too...
You're amazing la Jay !
You still HOT like you used to be..
Kyaa~~ *^*
Woot~ woot~

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