Friday, 19 February 2010

Happy, happy.. XD

Today, is officially day using broadband..
So I don't need to wait until I go back to online and update my blog..
Happy, happy..
But actually not happy at the same time..
Because I have to use my mom's note book..
Sometimes I feel guilty for using her note book since I have mine..

Actually this broadband can't install in my note book since my note book is the old version of mac..
So it can't support this broadband thingy..
Even I have to on my laptop just to listen to the songs..
In my mom's don't have any songs that I like...
What can I do..
Totally seobseob...

Oh, tonight there is 2 days and 1 night show...
Can't wait to watch the next episode..
Kahkahkah... XD
Jeongmin is like someone who brought the happiness and fun to the old members...
He's so cute in the show..
Wait and see what's going to happen tonight...

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